WHAT IS PC BUILDING AND HOW IT IS DONE ? WHAT IS PC BUILDING WHY WE DO? PC building, most of the people ask me, why do we want to built a pc, we can buy an assembly set pc's on go and can also buy a pc for our desired specs and work we want to do. You can also find pre-built pc's in many online shopping websites like amazon, Flipkart etc., Why do I want to build a PC? Main reason You want Build PC on Your own : High Costing for Pre-built pc's. Not getting a good productivity. Some would say why should I built pc I can buy a laptop for 50k and move on with it but lifetime of laptop is less when compared to that of pc and single component failed in lap service centre would charge big amount some of us can solve and overcome the problem but 50% of the people doesn't so they need a reliable not cost effective and easily exchange able faulty one at low cost. PC build's are mostly done for Productivity (video and picture editing), Gaming and stre...